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Old photo in black and white of a young boy and girl. They are standing in front of a makeshift catch and release fishing pond.


1956 — 1976

The park grows little by little, catering to families with young children.` The daily circus shows feature internationally known stars such as the Great Wallendas. Some of an NBC special documentary, as well as a CBS documentary on the Wallendas are filmed at Enchanted Forest. Other acts throughout the years included, John “Tarzan” Zerbini, The Zacchinis, and Emmett Kelly Jr., and storybook characters such as Robin Hood, and Cinderella roam the ‘Forest’. The 1/2 mile Skyride is installed. Captain Kidd’s Pirate Ship, The Alamo, Alice’s Wonder Island, and Whale Boats are popular attractions, as well as Storybook Lane’s Little Houses. Chief Maurice Dennis and his family recreate an Indian Village and explain Adirondack Indian life and lore to guests who ride the Train to this exhibit.

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